The Collier-Laurence Team

Certified practitioners provide comprehensive services.

When it is time to visit your Orthotist or Prosthetist, you need someone who will listen. Our patients rely on continued care, and we see them at regularly scheduled appointments. When you find a practitioner who knows your history and can help you through the rough spots, appointments get a little easier.

Our certified practitioners provide services to patients in need of:

  • OA knee braces
  • Ankle Foot Orthoses (Braces)
  • Diabetic shoes: Crow Walker
  • Prosthesis adjustments
  • A new or replacement prosthetic limb

Our first priority is to help you meet your goals.

Our certified practitioners work with your care team to formulate a plan of care for your best possible outcome. Each one of our practitioners was chosen for their unique skill set within their specialty and will communicate with your other care team members to provide consistent coordinated care.

Collier-Laurence Patient Care Locations: Sacramento, Oakland and the East Bay

East Bay

We are committed to high-quality patient care and service.

  • Our team has the experience to help you through the process of obtaining proper insurance approvals.
  • Your practitioner works directly with your care team to coordinate services during the treatment phase.
  • We will be here to provide ongoing patient education as you adapt to your device due through physical changes, prosthesis replacements, and upgrades.

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Improving patient outcomes


On-Call Hospital Services

Hospital Clinics

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Our Specialties

CCS Paneled (Pediatrics)


Custom Fabrication

Our bilingual practitioners take great satisfaction in providing Spanish speaking patients the ability to communicate in their native language.

For patients to have success with their care plan goals, they need to be educated on how to maximize the functions of their prosthesis or orthosis, and be able to clearly explain their needs and goals to their practitioner. Traveling the patient care journey in one’s primary language provides our patients a sense of confidence and security that they are receiving the best care possible.

Looking for a solution or a second opinion?
Contact one of our specialists at 916-979-9729 or email us.

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